Tshela Healthcare Is Connecting With You

This is the place where you will find resourceful organisational information within Tshela Healthcare. This is YOUR platform, made for YOU.


Tshela Healthcare keeps up to date with national health events. Find them here.


Find out what health, wellbeing and organisational information we are sharing with you right here.

News & Events

Interested in knowing what is happening at Tshela Healthcare? Look no further, we have it all right here.

Team Contacts

Need to contact a colleague, but can’t find their information? We have you covered, and have collated all the information for you right here.

Celebrating Birthdays

We love celebrating your birthday with you. Click on the button below to see who’s birthday is coming up next.

Suggestion Box

Have an amazing idea or have a suggestion on how we can improve the way we do things at Tshela Healthcare? Submit your ideas here.

Contact Info

757 Bree Street, Kuruman, Northern Cape
053 712 0016